单词 move away 例句大全,用单词move away造句:

A valence elect ron can move away f rom it satom, leaving it a hole.
Move or rearrange your desk or work tables away from windows if possible.
如果条件允许, 将你的桌子或者办公桌从窗口移开。
Keep flame away from rod or wire as it is fed into the joint. Move joint.
She had the delicacy to move away to permit the lovers a moment of privacy.
她知趣地走开, 让那对情人能单独待一会儿。
Friendships come and go, people move into our lives and then they drift away.
友谊来来去去, 人们进入我们的生活, 然后逐渐散去。
Yes, I was trying to move away from the fixed focus, and the vanishing point.
The present challenge provides us with an opportunity to move away from the brink.
Friendships and go, people move into our lives for a while and then they drift away.
友谊来来去去, 人们进入了我们的生活, 然后, 他们逐渐散去。
Any plan applicant to move away from the Installation Premises in the coming 3 years
The first bird to eat this repellant move about nervously and frightening away the rest.
Deviate To change or move away from an original intention or agreed on course of action.
When it reached the required quantity, the whole stack will move away by conveyor control.
a follower riding on the cam will move away from or toward the camshaft as the cam rotates.
Express an extreme fear of sunlight. Move away from and flinch at areas of the room that are sunny.
However,over the past 15 years, Turkmenistan has been slow to move away from its authoritarian past.
Change in the apparent frequency of a wave as observer and source move toward or away from each other.
Just then, an elephant and a cow came and waved to the hippo. then, they helped move the tree trunk away.
然后, 大象和母牛来了, 他们帮助了河马移动树干。
There is a marked tendency for job creation to move away from the primary sectors towards the service sector.
The selection of Robben, Joe Cole and Damien Duff, plus Didier Drogba led to a move away from the usual 431 formation.
Even these, once detachment sets in, move away from the centre of consciousness and happen spontaneously and effortlessly.
She's also a driving force in the movement to move away from a sports education system that offers education in name only.
But, expropriation punishment improving and perfecting needs corporal punishment and the Criminal Procedure Law common to move forward right away.
The iBook is the first portable designed with built-in wireless capability that allows users to move away from a base station while remaining connected to the Internet at 56 kilobits per second.
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单词 move away 释义

  • 单词释义:离开;搬到别处去住;改变(见解);挪开  [更多..]



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