单词 mother tongue 例句大全,用单词mother tongue造句:

Persons belonging to national minorities have the right to education in their mother tongue.
On the Effect of Negative Transfer of the Mother Tongue to Translation and the Countermeasure
Mr president, I shall deliver the speech to the second part of the motion in my mother tongue.
The quantity of thinking in mother tongue tends to decrease as their English proficiency improves.
By the influence of mother tongue, the mistakes of avoidence and miss generation are especially clear.
They do not see the significance of the mother tongue and Chinese culture does not strike a chord with them.
Mother tongue and the first foreign language both transfer the vowel pronunciation of the second foreign language.
Enjoying her native culture and fondness for her mother tongue, at the same time, being capable of speaking at least two foreign languages.
喜欢自己的母语文化, 但至少掌握两门外语。
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