单词 Likes 例句大全,用单词Likes造句:

The body of the rhinoceros likes a cattle, the head likes a triangle.
Our family likes to hike and we've had some grand adventures together.
The likes of me won't be able to afford a seat in such a posh teahouse.
Uncle George likes to come over to chew the fat every Sunday afternoon.
The husband likes to fish at the crack of dawn. The wife likes to read.
Wallace likes eating cheese very much. He likes inventing new things, too.
Everybody may act according to own likes carrying on the choice one by one.
And, if she accepted the date, she likes you and probably wants to be kissed.
并且, 如果她赴约了, 表明她喜欢你而且很可能希望被吻。
All are the sort of wellmeaning and thoughtful films that the Academy likes best.
Who likes accepting to accept anyone, what calls to elect to select me randomly ?
Likes To Lob Keeper Likes to attempt to lob the keeper when the opportunity arises.
Client remain fearful of big decisions of the kind that McKinsey likes to advise on.
He likes to have trials of strength with others. He is a man who really likes arguing.
After knowing someone in your company likes you, I will come to pick you up after work.
我知道公司有人追求你后, 会借故到你公司楼下接你。
Likes the hot cocoa, likes France Chanson, likes enjoying the Mind strolling in the life.
喜欢热可可, 喜欢法国香颂, 喜欢在生活中享受心灵的漫步。
The administration likes it because it avoids the prospect of creating a furor if , he says.
政府喜欢这样, 因为如果, 这可以避免引起抗议浪潮。
Loves if needs to accompany together, hates be free, likes with hating the entanglement continuous.
The researchers do not know exactly what it is about low absolute humidity that the flu virus likes.
The official may have received gifts likes trips or stock options, or money for professional advice.
The famous director likes to modify some details in the scenario according to the suggestion from actors.
What do you know about creas He seems likes a nice guy.Furthermore, he likes to go fishing, just like me!
他看起来不错, 而且他和我一样喜欢钓鱼!
Even if the person that likes it again, also can adorn large space of little corner, radiate only with it.
即使是再喜欢它的人, 也只会用它来点缀小角落, 辐射大空间。
She likes strawberries very much because this aggregate fruit is not only good-looking but also very delicious.
I accustom myself to the smile coagulated into the mirror just likes the moon belongs to deep autumn, enjoy myself.
It is said that if a pregnant woman likes eating acidic foods, she will give birth to a boy, and peppery foods signifies a girl. But I think it is an absurd statement.

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