单词 liquid fat 例句大全,用单词liquid fat造句:

Strain the cooking liquid and skim off the fat.
将煮好的液体过滤, 撇去油脂。
By this means, a molten liquid such as fat may be spray crystallised.
Experimental Study on Effect of Fat Child Regulation Liquid on Fat mouse
When you let the liquid stand till it cools, the fat will rise to the top.
你把这种液体冷却后, 油脂就会浮到溶液上面。
Reacting fat with potassium hydroxide will produce a soap that is either soft or liquid.
if drinking water due to thirsty and the leg becomes thin and has fat liquid in the urine, it is called kidney elimination.
若渴而不饮水不绝, 腿消瘦而小便有脂液者, 名曰贤消。
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