单词 look on 例句大全,用单词look on造句:

Don't always look on the dark side of things. Look on the bright side!
不要老是看事情的黑暗面, 凡事看光明面吧!
Head meal meal, and a long beak of a dot on the look out on the water.
This goes to show that we should always look on the bright side of life.
Look at the Buddhist sutras on the wall and flying fairies on the ceiling.
Macbeth Ay, a bold one that dare look on that which might appal the devil.
He leans back in his swivel chair with a sudden defeated look on his face.
as the people in New York and L. A. look on in absolute morbid astonishment.
就像在纽约和洛杉矶的人一样 看上去绝对的病态惊讶
I have lived with my aunt since I was a baby,and I look on her as my mother.
The look on her face was a mixture of anger, disappointment and embarrassment.
她的脸上混合着愤怒, 失望还有难堪。
He has a canny bit land of his own, and need not look on two sides of a penny.
Indeed, I always look on you as the personification of the Blissful Mother Kali.
Especially, let's look at the photo from the on board camera on Schumacher's car.
然而, 维伦纽夫继续驾驶, 并且获得了当年的世界冠军。
The girl student is inelegant 2,is worth taking a look on according to three two.
I look down on man who vents his anger on his family after having a bad day at work.
我瞧不起那些工作不顺心就拿家里人出气 的男人。
Her breath warmed his cheek, and there was a concerned, affectionate look on her face.
她的热气喷在觉慧的脸颊上, 她的脸上现出关心的表情。
After taking a look on that the daughter college student aha is drunk inelegant behavior!
If you look on that waterwheel, you'll see that it has fourteen buckets,which is quite unusual.
I can tell by the look on your face that Im going to have to write an afterword to the paperback.
He would forget altogether what he was about,and would sit down with a peculiarly blank look on his face.
You shouldn't look down on for being young a blaze that feeds on many things, a flame with its blackened trail.
When I saw that look on her face and looked at the chocolate milk running down the wall, I simply started laughing.
I 'm now in my 80s, but whenever I think of that look on Dad's face, my heart still feels as if it will swell up and burst.
Life is like walking on a tightrope. One should focus one's mind and look forward. Walk ahead and do not look back with empty remorse and anger.
人生如高空走索。应专心一意往前看, 向前走, 不要回头空懊恼。
The trouble with shopping for clothes online is that you never know if that dynamite blouse will look as good on you as it does on the skinny model.
However while others look to their bottom lines, crews are staying focused on their keels, on the weather, on the waves, and on their skills ; for it is these things matter as well.
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单词 look on 释义

  • 单词释义:在一旁观看,袖手旁观;把眼光投向[以某种观点来看待或对待](某物或某人);看热闹  [更多..]



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