单词 local exchange 例句大全,用单词local exchange造句:

ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier
We have enough local currency to exchange some money for you.
我有足够的当地钱, 可以给您换一些。
Please sign your name and local address on this exchange request.
Well, please sign your name and local address on this exchange request.
The change in local staff salaries is owing to fluctuation in the exchange rates.
With 140 local exchange rates the user can compare up to four currencies of choice.
Liaise with local and international institutions for arrangement of attachment and exchange programmes
与本港及国际机构保持联系, 发展实习及交流计划
Fees are usually payable in local currency and are subject to periodic review depending on exchange rate changes.
The mansion used to be the venue of meetings of local men of letters who gathered to compose poems and exchange their views on literary and other matters.
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