单词 Longing For 例句大全,用单词Longing For造句:

Finally he earned money for the things his wife and children were longing for.
I have been longing for the splendid golden, the sun irradiates all year round.
But it was not because of any longing for Campbell that Batstone remained single.
Yearning for a long enrapture you yesterday and the longing for a beautiful future.
Retro is longing for perfect arts, style is the romantics interspersed occasionally.
复古, 是对完美艺术的向往, 格调, 是偶尔穿插的浪漫。
My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word.
我心渴想你的救恩, 仰望你的应许。
Ah, now I understand why he had such a great longing for the stove, said the yarddog.
噢, 我终于明白他为什么那么渴望亲近火炉了, 狗儿说。
The salariat class are longing for a rational return in the commercial housing price.
Her longing for consideration was not sufficiently powerful to move her to demand it.
In the exuding tenderness and longing for love, a thread of fragrance floats in at dawn.
People are longing for eternal life and death between the irreconcilable contradictions.
Longing for freedom and progressive efforts to temperament, is a major feature of Osaka.
The emblem stands for Singapore people's courage, strength, wisdom and longing for peace.
Most old overseas Chinese keep in the depth of their souls a longing for their motherland.
Like a slave longing for the evening shadows, or a hired man waiting eagerly for his wages
像奴仆切慕黑影, 像雇工人盼望工价。
Not evil, but longing for that which is better, more often directs the steps of the erring.
And the second thing that I was longing for was some more exquisite craftsmanship and technique.
第二件事是我在渴求 一些更敏锐的技巧 和技术。
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