单词 Martial Arts 例句大全,用单词Martial Arts造句:

In terms of martial arts, to be like the earth means to stand your ground.
在武术里, 如地意味着坚守你的地盘。
On the Martial Arts Uses the Action in the Thought to Get the View Mutually
Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan is the highest achievement since the martial arts star.
In the annals of martial arts, Bruce Lee was the father who put it on the map.
The lion dance is an art which combines martial arts, dance and music together.
This seems to mean that Tai Chi Chuan is an absolutely independent martial arts.
Moslem Martial Arts and the Patriotic Moslem Martial Arts Masters of Modern Times
According to legend, martial arts, martial arts stick up for the day mountain camp.
相传武林中, 武功最高为天棒山派。
The martial arts and the movement perfect union, has accomplished the modern karate.
People have been anxiously awaiting another martial arts blockbuster from Zhang Yimou.
It included singing, tumbling, and acrobatics as well as martial arts skills and acting.
The martial arts contest at the drill ground is the most well-written piece of the novel.
The Influence of Martial Skills on the Development of Military Martial Arts in Tang Dynasty
The New Chivalry Novels in Mainland China and the Folk Character of the Martial Arts Fiction
I've encountered your son's martial arts skills, and I sincerely acknowledge his superiority.
As is the case in most martial arts novels, the story is totally an invention of the imagination.
If you like teaching and martial arts, it also is not afraid of the poor and are not afraid of pain.
如果喜欢教书和练武, 那也就不怕穷苦和不怕伤痛了。
The rich are not martial arts, martial arts hard, many people did and strength, but covered in pain.
有钱人不练武, 练武辛苦, 许多人没有强体, 反而满身是伤痛。
Two students from martial arts school performed a sword dance which won generous praise from the audience.
Zhou Yu is a general who was well versed in both polite letters, and martial arts during the Three Kingdoms period.
Practise martial arts person has to need to have skill, then it is possible let self move style have antipersonnel force.
The movements and postures of martial arts refer to the combination of the postures and movements of hands, feet and body.
Martial Arts Biographies An Annotated Bibliography lists hundreds of martial arts related biographies and autobiographies.
Every level of the Xingyiquan practice is available annually, while participants can take part into some martial arts contest.
He has been fond of literature rather than martial arts since childhood, which makes his father, a military general, very unhappy.
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单词 Martial Arts 释义

  • 单词释义:武术(指功夫、柔道、空手道等);武术,技击( martial art的名词复数 );把式  [更多..]



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