单词 meat balls 例句大全,用单词meat balls造句:

meat balls with rice.
She shaped the meat into balls.
The meat balls taste delicious.
Making meat balls needs minced meat.
I minced the lean meat finely to make meat balls.
Thin Sheets of Bean Curd Rolls with Crab Meat Balls.
Place the meat balls, vegetable greens and fungus in a deep plate.
将熟狮子头摆放在窝盘内, 旁边伴以青菜和银耳。
Use your thumb and forefinger to shape the meat mud into the round balls.
利用拇指与食指所形成的圆圈, 巧妙的将肉泥挤成球形。
The meat balls will be finished when they become white and float to the top.
煮到贡丸浮起来, 变成白色状, 贡丸就煮熟了。
Removed after the fish boneless meat, cut into fish balls, mix well with marinade.
Ben My usual. A dead guy with a meat cleaver in his head and eye balls hanging out.
Danshui fish balls are balls of fish paste stuffed with meat and garlic served in a light broth.
淡水鱼丸是圆形的鱼酱酿肉和大蒜, 加上清淡肉汤。
He had his hand scalded when frying meat Balls and now the scalds come up in Blisters all over his hand
炸丸子时把手给烫了, 现在手上全是泡
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