单词 meeting room 例句大全,用单词meeting room造句:

The office boy tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window of the meeting room.
勤杂工打开窗子, 试图使会议室内烟消散。
The meeting started in the White House Situation Room, in the basement of the West Wing.
I need something comfortable enough to travel in but formal enough for the meeting room.
The hotel bases large meeting room, gymnasium, sauna center and hair and beauty salon, etc.
酒店另设大型会议室, 健身房, 桑拿保健中心, 美容美发厅等。
station attendant during the meeting in the conference room door until the end of the meeting.
Completely embedded in the body are the meeting room, the recreational room and the restrooms.
会议室, 公共娱乐室, 休息室则完全在覆盖在台面以下。
In addition to Room 327, she said she got uneasy feelings from the boiler room, a meeting room and the kitchen.
除了327房, 开水房, 会议室和厨房也让她感觉不自在。
The researchers also gave popcorn to a people who watching movie clips in a meeting room, rather than in a cinema.
Meeting schedule arrangement, booking and set up the conference room, reception work and other related activities, prepare and collect documents.
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