单词 merge into 例句大全,用单词merge into造句:

second, proposing made the personal accounts of the basic oldage insurance merge into the enterprise annuity system.
Fourth, the function of envoys and the organizations accredited by the central government tended to merge into a unitary one.
With the adoption of open policies, Latin language codes merge into Chinese Vocabulary in large quantity.
伴随对外开放, 拉丁语码大量进入汉语词汇。
Waves come, arise. fall and again merge into the ocean.
浪来时, 我们就出现了, 浪退去时, 我们就被大海吞没了。
A seduction on my part would land us with the necessity to rise, bathe and dress, chat falsely about this and that, and emerge into the rest of the evening as though nothing had happened.
The students will immerge into the bilingual environment.
There's bound to be delays when four lanes of trafficmerge into two.
The borders between individual furniture types dissolve as they merge into one another.
So all good qualities and pure qualities of the Dharmadhatu merge into Medicine Guru Buddha.
This paper explores how some notional verbs merge into the relative clause structure.
Can one colour merge into another
Ripples merge into one another and create new ones.
一个涟漪吞没另一个, 形成新的涟漪。
The creator and creation merge into wholeness of joy.
And you can see how the icosahedron withdraws into the dodecahedron and then they just merge into each other.
你看这个二十面体 会变成十二面体,这两者结合的很好。
Will eventually merge into one by their strong gravitational forces.
In this singing, I will make my life and faith merge into one.
Imagine how relaxing it would be if you could slightly submerge into the water and actually experience the music.
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单词 merge into 释义

  • 单词释义:汇合, (使)并入;归并  [更多..]



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