单词 merits 例句大全,用单词merits造句:

We should absorb the merits of others.
Accept people for their merits and be tolerant of their flaws.
接受别人的优点, 容忍他们的缺点。
If you achieve all the merits and virtues, your wish and practice will be fully accomplished.
如果你把所有的功德都成就了, 你的愿行就圆满了。
judging people according to their merits.
given or inflicted in requital according to merits or deserts
We do not accumulate merits and virtues to transform a cat into a dog.
Drivers who accumulate 13 or more demerits in two years can lose their licences for up to three months.
You must have accumulated many spiritual merits.
A little compassion is both seed for cultivating virtue and root for accumulating merits.
一点慈悲, 不但是积德种子, 也是积福根苗。
Evaluation on this person about whether his achievements and demerits were a thirty-seventy ratio is still debated now.
Instead, concentrate solely on your achievements, merits, and worth concerning the company.
The merits of the Sunshine Act are controversial.
The fourth part is about the actual demerits of our criminal rehear procedure.
In addition, people need to have merits, virtues, and good roots in order to encounter wholesome Dharma.
人呢, 也需要有福德善根才能遇到善法。
Rule71 Additional procedures whereby admissibility may be considered separately from the merits
He invited delegations to address the draft resolution on its merits.
An adequate solution of these economic problems undoubtedly merits the attention of every Party member.
这个经济问题的相当的解决, 实在值得每个党员注意。
Hyperthermia as a potential useful adjunctive therapy for local control of prostatic cancer merits further investigation.
热疗作为治疗前列腺癌的一种辅助疗法 值得进一步研究
It therefore considers that the communication is admissible and proceeds to its examination on the merits of the case.
Admittedly, there are merits to both arguments.
必须承认, 双方观点都有优点。
Admittedly , there are merits to both sides of the argument.
必须承认, 这个问题的两面都有优点。
Schemes to advance posterity usually fail. Working for society today gains merits.
为儿孙作未来计, 十望九空。为社会作众人谋, 点滴有功。
The aerosol train has many merits Its speed is quick, is automobile 4 times.
From this, we know that aged and the young both have their own merits and uses.
观此, 则知老年与少年, 各有所长, 各有其用。
This high level group agreed to honestly discuss the merits and flaws of drug policies.
这个高层团体同意真诚探讨 毒品政策的优点和弊端。

单词 merits 释义

  • 单词释义:[宗教](行善得到的)功德( merit的名词复数 );功勋;长处;荣誉  [更多..]



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