单词 metallurgy industry 例句大全,用单词metallurgy industry造句:

Technological progress and the uranium mining and metallurgy industry in china
The metallurgy industry body is one of France's oldest employers' associations.
Chemical fertilizer, cement, metallurgy and machinery industry have been developed.
化肥, 水泥, 冶金, 机械等工业部门也得到了发展。
The main reason of loss of metallurgy industry company, it is cost cost exorbitant.
Concrete batching control system is widely applied in construction and metallurgy industry.
Besides, metallurgy, electronics, chemical industry and machinery are the pillar industries of Shanxi.
Spin metallurgy, chemical industry, gently, the advantage escalate of the industry such as the electron.
冶金, 化工, 轻纺, 电子等行业的优势逐步增强。
Two years experience in Powder Metallurgy industry, preferably with exposure to sales or business administration.
二年粉末冶金行业工作经验, 有销售及商务工作经验。
Shaking ladle is also called shaking furnace, the equipment is used to process metal liquid in metallurgy industry.
摇包又称摇炉, 是冶金行业用来处理金属液的设备。
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