单词 metal lines 例句大全,用单词metal lines造句:

a thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type
Catgut and type of plastic than metal lines to the loud.
Hand setting Making up lines of metal type by hand, usually in a composing stick.
A thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type. put a fence across the middle of the fields
During extrusion the metal divides and flows around the legs, leaving weld lines in the final product.
挤压过程中金属分腿和周围的流动, 最终使产品熔接。
Hardware and Software Configuration for Same Equipment to Engrave Lines on and Test Metal Graduation Ruler.
CAD The Generating Function of Three Types of Intersection Lines Between a Column and a Ring and CAD of Sheet Metal
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单词 metal lines 释义



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