单词 mingle with 例句大全,用单词mingle with造句:

You will be in demand this week so get out and mingle with other singles.
天蝎座本周很受欢迎, 赶紧去和其他单身者聚会吧。
A good salesman is usually an extrovert, who likes to mingle with people.
Don't jump up and rush off, but mingle your mindfulness with everyday life.
At this point, you should mingle and make conversation with the other guests.
要说明的是, 你应该要与其他的客人加入谈话。
It is difficult for the lower caste to mingle with those of the higher caste.
You need to mingle with people who can spark enthusiasm and confidence in you.
As Chinese and Americans mingle, they become friends and bond with one another.
由于中美人民的来往, 他们成为朋友, 结合在一起
If it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.
Now when we mingle with people in society, we definitely run into such an atmosphere.
现在我们出去跟社会的人混在一起, 一定会碰到那种气氛。
Scar Why, if it isnt my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners!
Why were they like this? For the same reasons many Christians mingle with the world today.
The Delingha Fault Depression is of two segs mingle with one uplift in structural framework.
储层发育, 中新生界油气储层都为砂岩。
Extroverted notes of Mediterranean verbena mingle with a rosy base of geranium and lemon tree.
It was arranged that Lemachus should proceed to the palace and mingle with the suitors as formerly.
Many foreign visitors mingle with the crowd, some from the Continent, some from more distant places.
他们中的有的来自欧洲大陆, 有的来自更遥远的地方。
It would be a great way to mingle with your fellow members prior to leaving town for your New Year holidays.
You can cook your own food in backpacker lodge and have chance to mingle with people from different countries.
The wonderful sound of gliding pebbles under their feet and songs mingle with each other and become fairly poetic.
Palate The vanillin oak characters mingle enticingly through the blend with the texture of the wine weighted by soft and furry tannins.
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单词 mingle with 释义

  • 单词释义:<正>(使)与…混合;参加,加入(某团体)  [更多..]



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