单词 middle class 例句大全,用单词middle class造句:

In addition,the middle class population in Singapore has been rising over the last 20 years.
It's clearly an allegory for the bludgeoning and burying of the middle class in this country.
显然寓示着这个国家 对中产阶级的打击和埋葬。
The special status of the middle class in the social structure determines their eclectic values.
Research on Conflict and Awkwardness of After Class Sports Training in Primary and Middle Schools
A Research on Junior Middle School Students'Achievement Motivation in Different Class Environments
The rural primary school opened a class where students can learn courses at the middle school level.
Moreover, it serves to strengthen democracy by developing and sustaining a middle class of citizenry.
Lambert, born in the middle class, resents her collier husband which incurs his severe complaint.
The concept is untested and could spark an exodus of middle-class students from local public schools.
Elementary Introduction to Teaching with Electrical Audiovisual Aids in English Class in Middle School
With theof monopoly capital and the establishment of welfare state, American old middle class declined.
The Taiwan singer Zheng Zhihua's song expresses the ambitions depression and anxiety of the middle class.
Adaptation and examination of situation interest questionnaire of P.E. Class of junior middle school students
Russia appears to be rising from the economic doldrums and a new Russian middle class is beginning to emerge.
A new survey estimates a family of four needs at least $75000 a year to live a middle-class life in New York.
The plight of the middle class is made all the more bitter by the concentration of wealth among the superrich.
财富向超级富豪的集中, 令中产阶级的境遇更加悲惨。
The middle class is weak and ineffectual and tends to become dependent on and subservient to the ruling class.
My grandpa is a poor, lower-middle class peasant, so I am a descendant of poor and lower-middle class peasants.
Uses in the university, the specialized middle school and each kind of Correspondence university, the training class
What this is telling us is that we need to first establish a middle class that is able to hold the government accountable.
这告诉我们 首先需要建立一个 能问责政府的中产阶级。
In giving most people middle-class aspirations, the government tried to rid the nation of its old-fashioned class structure.
Critics pointed to the government's fear of losing votes among middle-class interests and to the power of particular lobbies.
Do not make mistakes in determining the class status of middle peasants and be fair to them in regard to the land tax and civilian war service.
不要订错中农的成分, 对中农的土地税和战争勤务要公道。
At Montgomery Blair, most of the magnet stu-dents are upper-middle class and white; most of the students in the regular school are minorities or immigrants.
One school of thought attributed the Korean economic recovery to one fuelled by domestic demand coming from a class of new-rich middle class and, lately, gains from the Korean stockmarket.
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