单词 mistake 例句大全,用单词mistake造句:

Because he was involved in the bribery, he acknowledged his mistake and resigned.
Through someone pointing out, only then I realized there's an addressing mistake.
The biggest mistake of all is avoid situations in which you might make a mistake.
Don't be afraid of mistake. The biggest mistake is you don't want to make mistake.
The mistake is in not forbidding the serpent, then Adam would have eaten the serpent.
错就错在没有禁止吃蛇, 不然的话, 亚当就很可能把蛇吃掉了。
Adding to that, many people tend to make the mistake of focusing on how to make money.
She acknowledged she made a mistake but has strenuously denied any criminal wrongdoing.
The only mistake lies in that I'm not able to perceive what it is that someone else did.
除非 我不能指出 别人的失误
The most superficial mistake confuses the relative and absolute output from agriculture.
Correct your mistake the moment you realize it and don't try to gloss over your mistake.
It would be a mistake to say that happiness necessarily springs from the absurd discovery.
若说幸福必然产自荒谬的发现, 那必是大错。
But surely it is a mistake to overestimate the importance of abstract reasoning in our lives.
但是, 过高估计我们生活中抽象辨理的重要性无疑是错误的。
This man really has a thick skin! He said such absurd and unreasonable words after his mistake.
According to Eckhardt, this is the kind of personal memory mistake that always leads to disaster.
埃克哈特认为这是记忆错误, 会导致灾难。
Each of these sentences has a mistake in it. Find the mistake and rewrite the sentence correctly.
If there is any mistake in the textbooks, the mistake must be proofread and corrected immediately.
When Vacuum Height Adding Delayed Avoid the Electrified Wire Netting Fluctuation Switch Mistake Moving.
error, mistake, oversight These nouns refer to what is not in accord with truth, accuracy, or propriety.
这些名词指与真理不符, 不准确或不适宜的事物。
We did not adjust quickly enough to this new world, and I take personal responsibility for that mistake.
我们没有尽快适应新世界, 我本人要为这个错误负责。
Think of every mistake you made as a teenager. Now imagine making that mistake in a permanent public forum.
Laughing at the least mistake and accusing the elm while pointing at the mulberry treeif one shows the least bias.
错一点他们就笑话打趣, 偏一点他们就指桑说槐的抱怨。
Conclusion The pelvic abscess displays not typically, before the technique, the rate of missed diagnosis is by mistake high.
He had to acknowledge his mistake and resign because the use of torture to extort a confession happened within the area he administers.
Donald Keough, company president at the time, responded to the accusation by declaring Some critics will say Coca Cola made a marketing mistake.
我的神耶, 你应该看看我太太瞟我一眼时我脸上的表情。
Berbatov is asked whether he feels that his lowkey style the usual adjective is languid leads people to mistake it for lethargy or even laziness.

单词 mistake 释义



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