单词 things real 例句大全,用单词things real造句:

things have been going real good.
Finding things can be a real hassle!
Old caved stone Real old things are so cool!
老石刻真正的老东西, 就是酷!
But I believe real things are more credible.
The things that I see and feel are they real?
我看到得感觉到得这些事物是真实得 么?
Swarms highlight the complicated side of real things.
This mirrors the way we categorize things in the real world.
And when they are compromised, then real bad things can happen.
Real property is land and things immovably attached to the land.
Senior Zhang has always hated new things, he's a real conservative!
老张一向不喜欢新事物, 真是个不折不扣的顽固派!
Senior Zhang has always hated new things, he's a real conservative!
Sometimes, the picture in an ad is much better than the real things.
有时候, 有些产品得广告画比产品本身看上去好得多。
I must say that at Real Madrid, these things can happen very easily.
So The Getaway was one of the things that was running on real hardware.
But terms of the actual production and exchange of real things it is not.
但从实际物品的产量和交易量来看, 则完全不是这么回事。
Never borrow trouble. Imaginary things are harder to bear than real ones.
The story of my university life is a real saga so many things happened during that time.
传说, 有时指长而无聊的故事。
Real people always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
正常人抗拒不自然的东西, 比如眼镜, 化纤和空调。
At its best, daydreaming was considered a compensatory substitute for the real things in life.
Everyone knows that fairy isles are delusive and illusive things. Still everyone wishes they were real
明知神山缥缈, 却愿其有
of the things that you're building, because the real innovation is in finding ways to include everyone.
Then you will be led to do things you never knew you could, once you become a real follower of Jesus Christ.
when there was changes in camera technologies and things like that, that allowed this to be done for real operations.
God is a shorthand for the uncreated observer making things real. God thus becomes a scientific term, and a scientific concept.
For generosity--the ability to make real gifts with modesty and love, expecting nothing back--is one of the things which most make us human.
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