单词 they've 例句大全,用单词they've造句:

Is it easy to get tired after lunch or they've found the Treasure Cave ahead ?
Some prisoners also sell handicrafts they have made or pictures they've drawn.
We talk about African governments like they've been dropped from Mars, you know?
我们讨论非洲政府 就像他们从火星上掉下来
We need to understand why they've done the pension accounting the way they have.
我们必须明白他们为何以现在这样方式 计算养老金
While their anger is quick rise, they let it go easily once they've had their say.
They said the interview was just a formality, as they've already given me the job.
They've been documented in just about every major basketball publication and airwave.
And they're highly experienced, so they've done this thousands and thousands of time.
而且牠們已經做了幾千次了 可以說是駕輕就熟
They've changed us culturally, and I would argue that they've changed us cognitively.
不仅在文化上 我觉得也在认知上
Half the children in this classroom have no parents because they've died through AIDS.
这个班上一半的孩子是孤儿 他们的父母死于艾滋病。
They've got those curtains that tie up with big bows they're a bit fussy for my taste.
他们的那些窗帘打着大蝴蝶结 一在我看来太花里胡哨了。
That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things.
这是因为他们能把种种体验关联起来, 并吐故纳新。
So they've got soccer, they've got basketball, they go sleep over at their friend's houses.
所以她们可以去踢足球, 打篮球, 或者在朋友家留宿。
They've got to do something about these children because clearly they've gone off the rails.
I think this means basically that they're all sharks and they've come from a common ancestry.
我想这只能说明它们都是鲨鱼类 它们都来自于同一个祖先
People should not hesitate to contact the police if they've noticed anyone acting suspiciously.
They've also discovered that there's a heck of a lot of activity going on producing aroma as well.
他们也发现了 有许多活性物质产生了香气
They've learnt how to cut their coat according to their cloth since they moved to the countryside.
So, here are these women they've seen their parents have struggled with diarrhea, they've struggled with diarrhea.
所以这些妇女们见过父母 为痢疾所困扰 自己也患过痢疾
Because typically they've been too inefficient, inaccessible, they've not been fast enough, they've been quite expensive.
因为它们不够高效 不容易利用 它们不够快 还有,成本太贵
In this country, and in Britain, magnetism is understood better by children before they've been to school than afterwards, OK?
在美国和英国,在磁力知识上 孩童在就学前学得比较好
Ordinary people cannot appreciate the joy of mundane life, that's because they do not love life, they've made their lives banal, stuffy, and humdrum.
You've also got people with who are extraordinarily smart, people who can remember everything they've seen in their lives, people who've got synesthesia.
我们都见过非常聪明的人 过目不忘的人 具有交叉感觉的人
Teachers should personally do what they've asked students to do, learn what they've asked students to learn, and follow regulations which they've asked students to follow.
And these projects are not backed by billions of dollars in advertising, but they've found support really from the people, from private individuals like you and I from all over the world.

单词 they've 释义

  • 单词释义:they have 他们曾经  [更多..]



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