单词 thrust on 例句大全,用单词thrust on造句:

The carriage is supported on guide shafts. Remove thrust bearings from rear main bearing carrier.
Static Characteristic Analysis of Aerodynamic Gas Thrust Bearing Based on Finite Difference Method
Creditor countries want the thrust to be on national responsibility and penalties for rulebreakers.
债权国希望增强各国责任, 对违约国严惩不贷。
Determined by the common playing style, the both sides soon carried out a cut and thrust on the top right corner.
Lab experiment on rock mechanics for thrust block formation interval at mountain front structural belt and bit optimization
Effect of aspect ratio on heat transfer and fluid flow in regenerative cooling channel of liquid rocket engine thrust chamber
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单词 thrust on 释义

  • 单词释义:强迫接受, 强加给  [更多..]



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