单词 third body 例句大全,用单词third body造句:

And we haven't found a third body.
the third is opening wide and advocacy body sexuality.
三, 身体欲望的敞开与张扬。
The third part is the classification of body languages.
The third and forth chapters are the body of the paper.
第三, 四章, 为论文主体部分。
Third, make an eye on the thumb and color the body brown.
然后在大姆指的地方做个眼睛, 并把身体涂成棕色。
Watch the Body Aesthetics in The Consuming Age With the Third Eye
He envisioned himself as a third baseman, but his body had other ideas.
Inject third is planted the strength that globulin can enhance the body.
孩子挑食, 而且爱咳嗽, 抵抗力不是很强怎么办啊?
Third, the acceleration root value spreading to the human body is minimum.
Nevertheless, danger to body and life the operator or third persons may occur.
然而, 对操作员或第三者的身体和生命的危害也可能发生。
The second shell body is provided with a second convex column with a third opening.
第二壳体具有一第二凸柱, 其具有一第三开口。
The third, just outside the emotional, is the mental body, from where our thoughts emanate.
This one chapters and third chapters are the main body of a book emphasize the place discussing.
At the third level, the body configuration in joint space is determined by using inverse kinematics.
Your third eye gives you an opportunity to experience different dimensions without having to leave your body.
When you open your third eye chakra you will be able to see other dimensions whilst being in your physical body.
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