单词 turn plate 例句大全,用单词turn plate造句:

Error Analysis of Contouring Turn Plate Cam Former Face
And diners will know when to turn away from a plate in disgust.
Turn off the heat, sprinkle the parsley, place in the centre of the plate and serve.
洒上切碎的西欧芹, 摆入盘子中间, 上桌。
Tom received almost so, turn off the heat to enter coriander, turn the pot a few, the plate.
Good idea, Calvin. Its a plate of toxic waste that will turn you into a mutant if you eat it.
好主意, 凯文。这一盘是有毒废料, 你吃了会变成变种生物的。
Put the peppers into a bowl with the ends done, sprinkle garlic and steam till done, drain off the soup stock, turn the bowl upside down on a plate.
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单词 turn plate 释义



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