单词 turning out 例句大全,用单词turning out造句:

A poet without reaching an adequate domain is incapable of turning out acceptable stanzas.
Yet some of the most influential players are turning out to be states, not private actors.
但结果显示, 一些最具影响力的参与者是国家, 而非私营部门。
Loads exerted on lifting and turning cylinders are worked out for two shovel operation modes.
British car workers did not earn nearly enough money to buy the products they were turning out.
The defence ministry said it would carry out drastic reforms, turning the army into a more modern force.
I bet that reality will end up turning out to be more fascinating and unexpected than we've ever imagined.
我打赌,真实最终将变得 比我们想象的更加迷人和意外。
The Vibration Signal Characteristics and Its Detecting Technique with Turning Tool Going into or out from Workpiece
Far from an austere backwater, the intergalactic medium is turning out to be the central staging area for cosmic evolution.
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