单词 suck in 例句大全,用单词suck in造句:

The huge whirlpool could suck in the boat.
He heard one of the women suck in her breath.
Peter heard him suck in breath through his teeth.
Love, in my bosom, like a bee, does suck his sweet.
爱情像一只藏在我胸中的蜜蜂, 吮吸着我心房里的花蜜。
They try and suck you in by asking you to help out to get it done.
他们试图叫你帮他们完成手中的活儿, 把你也拖下水。
Aunt says that a process, I do not planted it, and let it suck in the.
姨姨则说, 早知如此, 我就不栽它, 任它吸地了。
I'm going to keep this outside, to blow out. I'm going to suck in air.
Especially suitable to suck the carpolite and brick suck as bigger impurity in sewer.
For some bigger companies, it looks like an exercise in teaching grandmother to suck eggs.
Can you please just suck it up and accept the fact that she is not in love with you anymore.
New student besides suck the breast and besides defecate, be in all the day almost soporous in.
The study is first bitter and then sweet, not tasted the bitter, not sweet to suck in the open!
读书是先苦后甜的, 不要因为尝到了苦, 就不去吸吮甘甜的露!
Any new or Old World carnivorous bat erroneously thought to suck blood but in fact feeding on insects.
You also can suck the redundant grease on eyelid to stop in case with oil absorption paper dizzy catch.
Study on Habits and Characteristic and Suck Blood Taxis of Anopheles anthropophagus in Da Hong Shan South Aria
It describes the lead-gray sky pressing down upon us. It describes the fire smoldering in the hearth, mysteriously seeming to suck every bit of warmth out of the bleak, dank room.
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