Pure Word Deafness after Cerebral Hemorrhage in the Right Temporal and Parietal Lobe a Psychophysical Analysis
The tumor is located in the right amygdala, with irregular activity seen in the surrounding right temporal lobe.
肿瘤位于右侧杏仁核, 在右颞叶周围不规则运动。
A retrospective research on the decision of contusion and laceration of the brain at temporal lobe and frontal lobe
Without this bone, the membranous canal is exposed to the overlying dura mater membrane of the brains temporal lobe.
The Damage Pattern of left Temporal Lobe Brain Tumor and Cranium Basal Tumor on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Ultrastmctural features of sprouted mossy fiber synapses in hippocampus of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy rats induced by pilocarpine
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