单词 tenancy contract 例句大全,用单词tenancy contract造句:

The expiration of the lease, tenancy, agreement, contract, etc.
租约, 租用, 协议, 合同等的期满。
of office space property rights of tenancy contract or certificate copy
These tenant-farmers have all signed a tenancy contract with the landlord.
The tenancy contract is the basis for regulating the relations between lessor and tenant.
Ensure that all Tenancy Agreement Contract, Request and Proposal are done and submitted accordingly.
确保所有的租客协议, 需求及建议书都准时完成。
Copy of real estate title and original of premises tenancy contract having been registered in Real Estate Administration
Analysis of the Existing Land Contract and Management Right System from the Permanent Tenancy Right System during the War of Resistance against Japan
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