单词 tear gas 例句大全,用单词tear gas造句:

Policemen used tear gas to break up a demonstration of black high school students today.
今天, 警察使用了催泪弹来驱散黑人中学生的示威。
Unable to contain the crowed with their long bamboopoles, police opened fire with tear gas.
警察用长竹竿无法控制住人群, 于是就放射催泪弹。
Police immediately responded with force, firing tear gas and water cannons to disperse crowds.
警方立即付诸武力, 他们用催泪瓦斯和高压水炮驱散人群。
Finally, the police had to use tear gas and electric batons, before an angry crowd to disperse.
Police used tear gas, electric, such as forced displacement, the conflict from escalating further.
In one incident, Gaza residents who tried to circumvent checkpoints had been dispersed by tear gas.
有一次, 试图绕过检查站的加沙居民被催泪弹驱散。
The student is believed to have been shot during a scuffle after a cannister of tear gas was discharged.
Following the violence, police tried to disperse the crowds by opening fire with live ammunition and tear gas.
Reports say the protesters were confronted by dozens of police officers, who fired tear gas to break up the mob.
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