单词 tear apart 例句大全,用单词tear apart造句:

You literally try to tear atoms apart to understand what's inside of them.
你确实想要把原子拆开来研究 从而了解里面究竟是什么。
I can't just sit here and let these people tear apart my family like this.
The strongest man you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands.
Have a good cry, wash out your heart. If you keep inside it'll tear you apart.
I just think they deserve one more happy weekend before we tear this family apart.
我只是觉得,在拆散这个家之前 他们该多过一个开心的周末。
It is wrong for a teacher to tear students apart even if they did something wrong.
Tear apart will make two companies obtain bigger flexibility on operation and strategic level.
They propagated political doctrines which promised to tear apart the fabric of British society.
nanotechnology that may also prevent us from having to go into that landscape and tear it apart.
以及纳米技术的应用 都有望保护我们的大自然
Industry thinks, before two kinds of respects are unlikely, and tear apart plan to compare reality.
业界认为, 前两种方面不太可能, 而分拆方案比较现实。
At the time to bid farewell, the two could hardly tear themselves apart from each other, and kept talking.
Because have no the dint!Because vexed disorderly!Because that also cannot tear apart forever, pull the clear anticipation!
因为无力!因为烦乱!因为那永远也无法扯开, 扯清楚的期待!
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单词 tear apart 释义

  • 单词释义:扯开;把…弄乱;使心碎;把…痛苦地分开  [更多..]



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