单词 speak out 例句大全,用单词speak out造句:

Ah, your great occasion of nation go where, also went out to play, speak for me!
Therefore, the more they feel diffident, the less they speak out in English.
Speak out, Captain Butler! I think I have a right to know where my husband's been.
Speak out a great man or woman and his or her ideas or achievements in your specialty.
Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue.
I said this out of a desire to speak two more sentences, rather than as an explanation.
我这么说是想再讲两句话, 而不是为了作解释。
In some plays the stage is blacked out for a short time and the actors speak in darkness.
In carrying out this dictionary project he spat out, so to speak, the blood of his heart.
The examiner will try to catch you out, so stay calm and think carefully before you speak.
From India to Pakistan, people speak out in the aftermath of the deadly terrorist attacks.
从印度到巴基斯坦, 人们谈论着致命的孟买恐怖主义袭击。
I hope each participant to the current forum speak out freely and air his or her own views.
我希望这次与会的各位朋友畅所欲言, 各抒己见。
You speak in riddles, learned sir, said the pale minister, glancing aside out of the window.
Have the aid of this one platform, the disabled of all over the country can speak out freely.
Be genial to wholesalers. Speak out frankly of whatever justifiable requirements you may have.
You can write it out, you can speak it, you can talk as long as you want, as short as you want.
Brownie also seemed to be willing to speak to me. But she did not have the strength to sound out.
This algorithm developed out of Switzerland by people, none of whom speak or understand any Chinese.
这个算法开发于瑞士 没有一个人懂汉语
Pay attention to digging out details when interviewing important people, let facts speak for themselves.
We should tactfully encourage the Left and middle elements to speak out at the meetings and refutethe Rightists.
She wanted very much to express her admiration for the company commander, but was always too shy to speak it out.
If we don't speak of our achievements, they won't run away. If we don't find out our faults, we'll be in a bad way.
The disappear that is consumer speak out from a sense of justice assist also need true gold silver to maintain run.
At last, among friends, he was free to speak his mind. We all listened attentively while she poured out her thrones.
Nowadays, some kindergartens are carrying out bilingual teaching, and so all the children can speak a little English.
By no means an activist, Chisholm rarely joins causes or signs petitions, but on this issue she feels obliged to speak out.
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单词 speak out 释义

  • 单词释义:毫无保留地说出  [更多..]



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