单词 Speak Now 例句大全,用单词Speak Now造句:

The Admiral and successor of the Fuhrer will now speak to the German people.
Now, gird up your loins and arise, and speak to them all which I command you.
我就照上主的话去买了根麻带, 束在腰间。
But now comes new research that gives the crow another black eye, so to speak.
但新的研究结果又给乌鸦迎头一击, 可以说打得它鼻青眼肿。
But if we know Google, they're coding away right now to improve them as we speak.
但是, 我们知道谷歌目前正在努力改进代码。
For Bryant to speak of these Lakers in championship terms, now that's significant.
科比说湖人具有夺得总冠军的实力, 这是具有很重要的意义。
Because of the dampness there's no turfto speak of and now we have nothing to burn.
Now the business we have, heretofore, you can speak with my aforementioned attorney.
As the Speak Mandarin Campaign enters its 20th year, it has now reached a stage of maturity.
If your dogs normal sleep routine is now a roundtheclock snooze fest, its best to speak with your vet.
如果你狗全天贪睡, 你最好跟兽医聊聊。
By now, the tour guide reminded do not want to speak loudly, in order to avoid frightens off the egret.
这时, 导游提醒不要大声说话, 以免吓走白鹭鸶。
With the successful Speak Mandarin Campaign now in its 20th year, the government has achieved remarkable progress in popularising Mandarin.
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