单词 speed limit 例句大全,用单词speed limit造句:

He was taken to the police box for exceeding the speed limit.
Some drivers always like exceeding the limIt'speed at the turn.
He was way above the posted 45 mph speed limit when he crashed.
他是上述方式张贴限速45英里时, 他坠毁。
I can't agree with you. There is minimum speed limit on highway.
这情况一定是后车得责任, 没有谁说最低速度多少。
Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily.
She was found guilty on three charges of exceeding the speed limit.
A speed limit was introduced to try to avoid the need for fuel rationing.
I guess you could say that, but nobody is allowed to pass the speed limit.
Some people have no respect for the speed limit and consequently is punish.
有些人全然不顾速限规定, 结果受到处罚。
Fifty a nice number for the states in the US or for a national speed limit.
Temporary speed limit on gloucester road and victoria park road, causeway bay
Some people have no respect for the speed limit and consequently are punished.
有些人全然不顾限速规定, 结果受到处罚。
Compared with the angular contact ball bearings, bearing capacity, low speed limit.
The method is satisfied with fast speed, good detection limit and wide linear range.
This operating limit has been established as an optimum speed for cutting concrete and masonry.
这个经营期限已确立为砖石, 混凝土切割速度优化。
Inspiration from the Problem of Speed Limit on the Bridge Approach of Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge
It is the second time that the motorist has been booked by the police for exceeding speed limit.
The policeman told him that he had been exceeding the speed limit and asked to see his documents.
Committing a forgery is a felony, but driving an automobile in excess of the speed limit is a misdemeanor.
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