单词 spin off 例句大全,用单词spin off造句:

When Mary broke off the engagement, John seemed to be in a flat spin.
玛丽解除婚姻后, 约翰似乎精神失常了。
When Mary broke off the engagement, John seemed to go into a flat spin.
玛丽毁除婚约, 约翰似乎神经失常。
Oversized financial conglomerates should be cut down to size and forced to spin off assets.
As the subtle bodies spin, additional attachment in the etheric body is simultaneously spun off.
The company announced it would spin off an independent subsidiary, Legend Technology, to handle the company's e-commerce and systems-integration activities.
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单词 spin off 释义

  • 单词释义:创造新的事物而不影响原物的大小[稳定性]  [更多..]



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