单词 volleyball team 例句大全,用单词volleyball team造句:

The Influence Analysis of Our Country Colleges and Universities Beach Volleyball Sport Team
The Chinese volleyball team fought against the American team fierecly, and won the game at 3-2.
The women's volleyball team put up a desperate fight to win the world championship at all costs.
女子排球队为赢得世界冠军而不惜一切代价, 殊死拼搏。
Holding the World Cup in their hands, China's female volleyball team were so excited that their eyes were full of tears.
Being bright and brave, the members of the women's volleyball team are passing by the rostrum, walking in vigorous strides.
女排队员们英姿飒爽, 正迈着矫健的步伐通过主席台。
The Chinese volleyball team can achieve good results all the time because we don't stick to outdated playing mode, instead we are very flexible.
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