单词 walk out 例句大全,用单词walk out造句:

This kind of disposition cannot guide Yahoo to walk out of sloughy.
To such length did she go in rehearsal that the two actors walk out.
If you were told that at a local cafe you would walk out in disgust.
如果有人在本地的咖啡馆告知你这种事, 你会拂袖而去。
When you walk out of the lift on the eighth floor go straight ahead.
沿着大厅中央的走廊一直往前走, 然后在会客室左转。
Then walk back into the porthole and back out to your starting point.
You walk out of here like this, you'll never caddie in Georgia again.
Walk into the light coming out of the sarcophagus to meet King Arthur.
You walk out and you feel, no matter what your age, positively boyish.
你走出去, 不管你年龄多大, 你都肯定会有年轻的感觉。
And they walk out from behind the counter and they've got no pants on.
Hold out your elbow so she can link arms with you as you walk together.
一起走时, 为她留一个臂弯, 这样她才好挽着你。
He can walk out anytime, across the sand, into the sea, into the brine.
他随时会离开, 穿越沙漠, 进入海洋, 融入海水。
Why did she walk out on a movie career which was paying her heavy money
You then remove the dog's lead and walk out to the sheep using the cord.
然后把普通的牵引链松开, 用绳子把狗带到牧场。
He went out to walk off his sleepiness. I went out and wandered eastward.
As I stood up to walk out and began to pull Beau away, he wouldn't budge.
可是我起身要拽博走的时候, 它却动也不动。
Xiaxue stood up, and Xia Yu to walk out of the restaurant to the company.
My complacent ground fitted plan into the bag to walk out of a classroom.
Because I think we're gonna see a happy client walk out of his new office.
我觉得 我们将看到客户愉快地走出新办公室。
I go out for a long walk when I feel anxious it helps me to work off steam.
Go now, go! walk out the door! Just around now, you're not welcome anymore.
Had eaten dinner, williams and Marie are pulling a hand, walk out of a door.
I will walk out of these days to St. Leonard's, and examine the girl myself.
过几天我要到圣列奥纳德跑一趟, 亲自盘问那个女郎。
I saw him walk out of the bosss office like the cat that just ate the canary.
Yes, they just walk out the chaos caused by war and tribulation from the Iraq.
I will stand by them, and I won't walk out just because they do kookie things.
我要支持他们, 我不能因为他们做了蠢事就弃之不顾。
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单词 walk out 释义

  • 单词释义:罢工;突然离开;出走;退场  [更多..]



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