单词 walk out 例句大全,用单词walk out造句:

Her grandmother started to walk down a stairway that had appeared out of nowhere.
Teddy Jr could barely walk with his artificial leg, let alone go out in the snow.
刚刚装上假肢的小泰迪几乎不能迈步, 更遑论在雪地里行走。
I was gonna just walk out of that concert and hitchhike right across the country.
Now he was in the dining room and in a moment he would walk out into the kitchen.
When the play is over, and the curtain comes down, we can walk out of the theatre.
Don't the old house is in the home and walk out the scene of seeing the countryside.
If they can't manage to walk out of the forest, they will run short of food rations.
The five of us walk out through the balcony and into the courtyard before the theatre.
我们五个人穿过楼厅, 来到戏院门前得院子里。
After a big breakfast in my house, I walk out of the front door and I', already at work.
Ewenki walk out of the mountain and move into the habitat established by the Government.
In July filariasis, another batch of numerous students walk out of a gate, step a society.
When you walk out of the front door, you can hop into a boat and Capri is 45 minutes away.
走出大门, 跳入游船, 45分钟后就可以抵达卡普里岛。
Eventually, the pair finishes their shopping. As they walk out, Joe is counting his money.
两人最终买完了东西。当他们往外走的时候, 乔在数自己的钱。
And sometimes the only way to walk out of the darkness is to shine the light of compassion.
Ah, well, shit! Im going to take a walk wash the dirt out of my belly. Dont forget, tomorrow!
我要去散步把肚子里的脏东西冲出来。别忘了, 明天!
You just walk away congratulating yourself on being able to sniff out an ambush from a mile away.
Managed the vexed and disorderly thoughts and feelings in reason later on, push door to walk out.
We walk out of the caravanserai and make our way past the money changers with their bulging pockets.
It’s much better living near my workplace now. All I do is walk out of my house and boom! I’m there.
This caution only made me even more horny. This means I have to walk out of the changing room shirtless.
Lf you walk out on your job now you'll be burning your boats with them because they won't employ you again.
如果你要罢工, 就得破釜沉舟, 因为他们不会再雇用你了。
Wait until the doctor has finished taking notes and is ready to walk out the door to mention a new symptom.
I deify anyone to work walk out the brofferlers brothels or to work walk out the orphanage leaving those people behind and.
In Implementing the New Curriculum Efforts Should Be Made to Walk Out of Zones Strewn with Contradictions Between Theory and Practice That Perplex Us.
When I walk together with two others, they can surely serve as my teachers. I'll find out their merits so as to follow them and their demerits so as to avoid them.
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单词 walk out 释义

  • 单词释义:罢工;突然离开;出走;退场  [更多..]



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