单词 walnut oil 例句大全,用单词walnut oil造句:

Allelopathic Study on Volatile Oil from Fresh Walnut Leaf
Seabuckthorn seed oil, walnut oil, pomegranate seed oil, flaxseed oil.
So go for it oil form. walnut oil into salads or finish off a fish dish.
因此, 可以选用胡桃油, 在沙拉上加些胡桃油, 或吃完那碟鱼肉。
However, walnut oil content is higher than cotton, mellow flavor, they are advised oil.
但含油量高于绵核桃, 香味醇厚, 宜榨油。
The advantage of refining walnut oil by physical refining and application conditions were discussed.
The process of enzymatic hydrolysis and centrifugation in the preparation of walnut oil by aqueous enzyme were researched.
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单词 walnut oil 释义

  • 单词释义:胡桃油(可用作油画颜料结合剂)  [更多..]



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