单词 Xue 例句大全,用单词Xue造句:

Du Xue, the tower austral company of group of Shenyang passenger transport bus branch steward.
Following our conversation, we all feasted on a delectable lunch prepared by Can Xue's husband.
Computerized diagnosis of hemorrheology of wei, qi, Ying and Xue in acute seasonal febrile disease
Description Xianggang Shang wu yin shu guan Xianggang fen guan Shanghai Xue lin chu ban she, 1984.
香港上海商务印书馆香港分馆学林出版社, 1984
The paper analyses the influence of western feminist trend of thought upon Can Xue's novel writing.
The Clinical Study on Preventing and Treating Prolonged Uterine After Medical Abortion with an Xue Tang
Clinical Study on Treatment of Obstructed Oviduct by Huo Xue Tong Guan Decoction and Dan Shen Injection.
Looking Ahead the Bright Future of Theory of Fundamental Frame of Systems From the Spirit of TongTai Xue
Intervention of Wen Yang Huo Xue Fang on Kidney Damage in Rats with Chronic Aristolochic Acid Nephropathy
Peer education, Hunan University Alliance responsible person of 06 students in the Faculty Arts, said Xue.
湖南大学同伴教育同盟负责人 文学院06级学生李雪说。
Xue Xiaochun,born in Jan.of 1962 at Beijing,Postdoctorate,associate professor,supervisor of Master student.
I was wondering why Aunt Xue should suddenly send a concubine here when she knew that your master was back.
我说呢, 姨妈知道你二爷来了, 忽喇巴的反打发个房里人来了。
Observation of therapeutic effect that Fu xue kang diluent is applied to vagine bleeding after drugs abortion
Conclusion Xue Zhi Kang could lighten injury of the aorta in rats induced with longterm high fat forage diet.
Xue Tao is said to have written aBout 500 poems, But unfortunately less than one fifth of these are extant.
When trouble this lump, pancreas Gao Xue hefty the element to secrete massively, therefore may present diabetes.
患此瘤时, 胰高血掂素大量分泌, 因此可出现糖尿病。
The emperor expressed appreciation to Xue for helping him survive the disaster and awarded Xue with a royal horse.
Xue cheng, the late Qing government renowned early reform thought representative personage and outstanding diplomat.
Examination of Literature as a Protest against Reality with Works of Can Xue, Han Shaogong and Shi Tiesheng as Examples
But by dint of much coaxing and teasing, Aunt Xue kept him from drinking too many cups before the wine was whisked away.
Effects of Traditional Chinese Herbs, Wen Yang Huo Xue Decoction and Salvia Miltiorrhiza, on Animal Model of Sclerotic Skin
It has discovered that there are more or ess white and pale tongue or blue and purplish tongue in each of the Wei Qi Ying Xue four stages.
During the senescence of'Xue Hua'Pears, the fruit firmness declined with the flesh developing the squarrose and browning, and lacking structural sense.
He is very familiar with all the Four Books (Da Xue, Zhong Yong, Lun Yu and Meng Zi) and the Five Classics( Shi, Shu, Li, Yi, Chun Qiu), and is a specialist on Confucianism.
It is good to be fond of asking. If one asks randomly without thinking, even if he can get a correct answer, he will not benefit much from it. So in the word"Xuewen"(knowledge),"asking"(Wen) is placed after"learning"(Xue).

单词 Xue 释义

  • 单词释义:雪(汉语拼音)  [更多..]



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