单词 Tarot 例句大全,用单词Tarot造句:

Why did you hide that Tarot deck in your music room ?
This aura of darkness clings to the tarot cards, even now.
Tarot is not a magic bullet that solves our issues for us.
Training programme for Tarot Consultants and Tarot Tutors.
Jumbo cards, ESP testing cards, business cards, Tarot cards.
超大卡片, 特别是测试的卡片, 名片, 占卜用的纸牌。
Shuffle and draw two cards from the Language of Light Tarot.
Enlightened tarot is about acting upon the wisdom of the cards.
塔罗牌给我们的启发, 是对牌后的智慧做出行动。
Some use automatic writing, automatic drawing, and tarot cards.
有些人会自动书写, 自动绘画或动物塔罗等方式。
Tarot it predicts a variety of future, but can not change to grief.
These articles are the foundation of the Blessings from Nature Tarot.
This tarot kit includes 22 major arcana, a table cloth and user manual.
Honor your deck and work with your tarot cards with integrity to help others.
Readers will be familiar with his article on the mysterious art of tarot cards.
Included with this deck is 48 cards associated with the Language of Light Tarot.
包含其中的, 还有48张与光之语相关的塔罗牌。
You should be able to find this image in books or websites dealing with the Tarot.
Sondra Pransky What are you going to tell the police The guy owns a deck of tarot cards. thats not a crime!
I will represent honestly my Tarot qualifications, including educational credentials and levels of certification.
Tarot readers will spread out the cards and find a certain meaning in the way different cards are placed together.
塔罗牌算命师会将牌摊开, 以牌陈列的方式找出特殊涵义。
I am a person who is thirsty for freedom. but , I am lack of abstention.The tarot illustrat the sagittarius is abstention.
我是个热爱自由的孩子, 但是, 极度缺乏控制力。
Calm down Sir, Im a little slow, since I lost my tarot cards.Im using my uncles pinochle deck instead.Running out of time!
我的确需要放松一下了, 我打开一听啤酒, 摊开双腿躺在床上。
Large Format Packaging The worlds most popular tarot deck! Now available with Quality European card printing and durable attractive size.

单词 Tarot 释义

  • 单词释义:塔罗牌;(算命用的)有图纸牌  [更多..]



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