单词 tango dance 例句大全,用单词tango dance造句:

Let us dance this tango.
Diegomalaka no diego cant dance tango.
She describes the tango as a very sexy dance.
Hey, you wanna dance? They're playing a tango.
She could not dance the tango, so she sat it out.
她不会跳探戈舞, 所以一直坐着。
A lot of movements in this dance remind me of the Tango.
Jango a dance style mixing elements from Modern Jive and tango.
一种舞蹈风格, 混合了摇摆舞和探戈的元素。
Val, who was light and nimble on her feet, learnt to dance the tango.
Li Wanrong has learned to tango and chacha in her ballroom dance class.
在交谊舞课上, 李婉容学会了探戈和恰恰。
Their faultless performance was an object lesson in how to dance the tango.
In cuba, the tango was influenced by the local Cuban dance, called the havana.
在古巴, 探戈受了一种称为哈瓦那舞的古巴地方舞蹈的影响。
There are actually three tango dances each with its own music in Argentine social dance.
阿根廷交际舞中实际上有三种探戈, 每一种都有各自的音乐。
We're also doing another tango, dance because Matt's supposed to be really good at dancing.
我们也会跳一曲探戈, 因为纳威被设定为舞跳得很好。
Clapping rhythms for four count flamenco dance steps can be used on dances like the tango and rumba.
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