单词 that's that 例句大全,用单词that's that造句:

and that's terrifying that people, would do that in this day and age.
That's impolitic and impolite, but it's not asas Mr. Bush's response.
You may think that's a sneeze, but it's not a sneeze, it's an acronym.
你们可能会觉得这听起来 像打喷嚏,其实这是个缩写。
Now, that's added to the, gas, the methane gas, that's already inside.
I advise you to buy your skirt in Women's Street; that's where it's at.
This is a point that's negative, and this is the point that's positive.
这是一个负电荷, 这是一个正电荷。
And let's assume you're bitten by a mosquito that's carrying that virus.
假设你被一只 携带登革热病毒的蚊子咬了一口。
That's an entire second adult lifetime that's been added to our lifespan.
这是在原先寿命上加上了 整整第二个成年期的时间。
That's not being politically active, that's being bureaucratically active.
And that's to boost everybody's confidence, to show that you're not scared.
He's not amazingly handsome, but he's really nice and that's more important.
So that's the energy that is needed to heat up a bath and enjoy that pleasure.
and that's because of that alignment of incentives that I talked about earlier.
这要归功于我先前提到的 那些鼓励政策
Nothing, it's just something that's part of Christian doctrine that he's passing on.
That's because he's getting nervous. Anyway, this is the first time he's directed a play.
那是因为他太紧张了。不管怎么说, 这是他第一次导演一出戏。
So I definitely was amazed that there was something like that available that was God's word.
我确实非常吃惊, 我得到的那些东西是神的道。
That's the author 's thesis, that gods exist only to the extent that people believe in them.
That's between, say at an average use, that's maybe 25, 000 to 100, 000 homes could run off that.
在一般情況下 可供2萬5千至10萬個家庭使用
There's no possible situation where that's true and that's false therefore, that argument is valid.
You need a ambulance, mother. That's too bad that there's no one here will dream of calling you one.
你需要救护车, 妈妈。可这儿没有人想要帮你叫, 真是太糟糕了。
That's the sort of technology that's available today that really wasn't available even a decade ago.
that's floating on top of the Arctic Ocean is it's an environment that's in a constant state of flux.
随波逐流的硬邦邦的冰块 那是一个流动的世界
Creativity for me is something that's absolutely critical, and I think it's something that you can teach.
And so that's what I'm going to try and do, and that's what people all over, South Africa are trying to do.
那不仅是我要尝试的 也是全体南非人想要做的
By that, I mean intrinsically beautiful things, just something that's exquisitely beautiful, that's universally beautiful.
在此内在美是 事物精致的美 毫无置疑的美
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