单词 The Interpreter 例句大全,用单词The Interpreter造句:

Acquire the global interpreter lock.
The foreign guests were accompanied by an interpreter.
There is an active demand for interpreter during the trade fair.
在贸易交易会期间, 对口译员需求很大。
I had my admirable interpreter of the previous year Major Birse.
She put the idea into practice not only as an interpreter But also as an activist.
她立即实践这个理念, 不但对之加以阐释, 而且还积极提倡。
Susan has been on loan to the affiliated plant as an interpreter since last month.
Include lexical analysis , parsing. of the modified PL 0 compiler interpreter note.
包括词法分析, 剖析。
The interpreter accosted one old porter, and asked him if it were far to the Kremlin.
And the interpreter shall affix his name on the transcripts of interrogation or inquiry.
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单词 The Interpreter 释义

  • 单词释义:[电影]翻译风波;叛译者;翻译员  [更多..]



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