This photograph was taken near to a tea plantation on terraced hills just outside of Fuzhou.
Elementary Introduction to Prospect and Development of Tourism of Terraced Fields in Yuanyang.
The land is lush and fertile, and the slopes are covered with terraced crops, meadows, and moors.
This kind of pump drainage irrigation equipment can help achieve the irrigation of terraced fields.
he muses about the prospect of terraced farming inside the cavernous, 18storey Beaux Arts interior.
In this paper, some plowing methods such as contour plowing, densely plowing, terraced plowing, etc.
floated into a wet, misty smoke, gentle nourishes the vertical and horizontal terraced rice paddies.
飘然成湿漉漉的蒙蒙烟雾, 温柔地滋润着纵横阡陌。
The architecture of this longitudinal building is terraced in different levels to take up the slopes.
The effect of terraced fields is notable and the effect of growing grasses on the walls of terrace is much better.
The mountains are vestiges of ancient eroded seabeds that support graceful bamboo groves and terraced rice paddies.
山是古代受侵蚀海底的遗作, 上载着秀美竹林和水稻梯田。
Vineyards were mostly planted on terraced hill sides where the land is not as fertile as it is in the valley below.
葡萄园一般都是半山腰的梯田, 土地没有山谷的肥沃