单词 The Banquet 例句大全,用单词The Banquet造句:

After the performance came a banquet.
The secretary will act as host during the banquet.
The famous actor stole the show at the charity banquet.
The culture attache aches over after attending a banquet.
I should be delighted if you were able to come to the banquet.
Please refer to the Agenda for other meals and special banquet.
In addition, the hotel also offers banquet booking and room service.
另外, 酒店还为您提供宴会预订及送餐服务。
Drinkers'wager game is a kind of add to the fun games on the banquet.
On the Affects of the Banquet Activities in the Late Yexia Period to the Jian'an Poetry
Sophie agreed to participate in the charity banquet, Yang redemption will be made up of the diamond brooch to the pupil.
柔答应参加慈善宴会, 更托言将杨赎回的钻石胸针交予瞳。
When they engage in a banquet or dinner party, wine is their adversary, putting them into the shoes of an angel or a devil.
应酬时, 酒是女人的敌人, 它把女人变成天使或魔鬼。
The small town banquet hall is not large enough to accommodate a large international gathering of the kind you are discussing.
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单词 The Banquet 释义

  • 单词释义:夜宴;中国导演冯小刚的作品。主演:章子仪;葛优;吴彦组  [更多..]



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