单词 start out 例句大全,用单词start out造句:

Perhaps I should start renting him out to recoup the cost of the annual golf membership.
So you cant go from one extreme to another and fall out with him, start criticising him.
You start out expecting something much more, and some of your contemporaries achieve it.
They start out as tiny molecules that are small enough to penetrate into your hair shafts.
它们开始时是微小的单分子, 能够进入发根。
So I get some software and start reading it, and scan them, and it turns out it's a puzzle.
I want to start out by asking you to think back to when you were a kid, playing with blocks.
首先,我想请大家回忆一下你们在孩提时代 玩过的积木。
The calmness of the mornings will start you out on a firm and steady pace for your whole day.
The Unit has dropped out of the current channel start strong, can choose the right attention.
目前该股已走出下降通道开始走强, 可择机关注。
Babies , in particular, are ultimate learning sponges because they start out with a clean slate.
婴儿, 尤其是学习的最终因为海绵清洁板岩出发。
After interlinking store start business, business expenses jumps, bring about not apply goes out.
Start out with a few cold dishes, like cucumber salad, raw vegetables or pressed tofu with chili oil.
我好像患了感冒, 我想真的要留在家里休息。
You're gonna have to start brushing your teeth and showering before I would go out on a date with you.
Further up the river, the vineyards start to thin out and the orange groves and almond trees take over.
People who look half asleep will suddenly throw their heads back with a start and fling out their arms.
Often one is expected to start out as a computer programmer before being promoted to software engineer.
For your first screenplay, its best to start out writing in a genre that you personally enjoy watching.
作为你的第一个剧本, 你最好选择个人喜欢的电影类型。
The lion awoke with a start and rolled over, trying to find out what or who it was that had attacked him.
Arsene Wenger has warned Ashley Cole he must sort out his future quickly and start playing football again.
温格警告科尔必须决定他的将来, 并快点回到足球场上来。
Start by cutting down - not cutting out - the amount of saturated fat (ice cream, butter, whole milk) you eat.
Can the encampment have already sent out to bellow a voice, obviously sneak attack already quick one step start.
With vigour and vitality, the day is dawning in the east. Let us whisk away the dust on shoulders and start out.
天已黎明, 东方透出生气, 让我们拂去肩上的尘埃赶快启程!
All of you criminals in the cell, form a line and start coming out of the cell with your hands raised in the air.
所有牢里的罪犯听好了, 排成队, 双手高举空中开始走出牢房。
Won t your car start Try giving it a bit more choke, ie letting more air into the engine by pulling out the choke.
The manager's rebukes in loud voice and stern expression have made the clerks gathered in the out office start with alarm.
Start by having a frank conversation about treatment options, and appoint someone as a health-care proxy to make sure those plans are carried out.
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单词 start out 释义

  • 单词释义:启程,出发;开始[着手]做  [更多..]



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