单词 sticks 例句大全,用单词sticks造句:

The dancers beat bamboo posts with sticks, everyone in the village can join the dance.
Some farmers, for example, coerce them into eating beans by paddling them with sticks.
In the class, the teacher is telling the students how to make batteries with carbon sticks.
课堂上, 老师正在教学生们怎么用炭精棒制作电池。
This company produces stainless steel welding sticks, and copper welding sticks exclusively.
The Obama administration may have to dispense with the usual bag of carrots and sticks, however.
What is even more precious is that he is not afraid of larger powers and sticks to his opinions.
Experiments show the drug sexual flavour sticks material sticks to cure effect has great effect.
The drawings of young children usually lack proportion; they make arms and legs look like sticks.
They built a small wooden hut with wooden sticks on the top that looked a bit like radio antennae.
Either of a pair of thin sticks that are used for eating with, especially in some Asian countries.
We've had a number of great games in the past and, of course, it always sticks in the memory bank.
Middle the Kang Yunnan earth axis sticks out for the anteklise, big area appearing platform basis.
康滇地轴中部为台背斜隆起, 大面积出露地台基底。
Blood sticks consistency taller, blood pressure on the high side, drink water more can attenuant blood
Culms with irregular basal internodes are used for walking sticks, umbrella handles, and fishing rods.
The dynamite and the fuses are strapped along sticks of bamboo before being shoved into predrilled holes.
炸弹和引信绑在长竹竿上, 放入事先砖好的洞里。
Educating children should focus on guiding and enlightening, how can you beat them with fists and sticks?
With Popsicle sticks the children made the Baby Jesus, drawing his face and putting the baby in the manger.
Hami melons have various shapes of round, ellipse, olive, ovum, long sticks and short barrels, etc.
Apple will not be manufacturing pulse oximeters, glucose sticks, blood pressure monitors or any of those periperals.
In numerous money model in hutch ark, the hutch ark that ceramic tile sticks a face is very those who individualize.
在众多款型的厨柜中, 瓷砖贴面的厨柜是很有个性的。
A high tensive abstract form comes into being through the links and the compages of the sticks with various lengthen.
长短不一的杆件通过搭接, 组合, 产生富有张力的抽象形式。
The cloth needs to be prepared first and then the artist works out the sketches of the portraits with charcoal sticks.
My grandfather always prepares the joss sticks and candles in advance every time we go to make a sacrifice to our ancestors.
The Chinese herbal medicine acupuncture points sticks the treatment the child asthma alleviates to expect 72 clinics observation
No species is more important to man and beast than pollack, the primary ingredient of frozen fish sticks and the fish items served by American fast food chains like Burger King and Long John Silver.

单词 sticks 释义

  • 单词释义:<非正><贬>乡间,边远地区;棍( stick的名词复数 );人;枝条;球棍  [更多..]



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