单词 stick man 例句大全,用单词stick man造句:

When Bach would not apologize, the man attacked him with a walking stick.
然而, 巴哈在世时, 却是以一名管风琴师较为人知。
The man had to Break off a Branch from the tree to use as a walking stick.
A man with real breasts, beautiful long hair, and her very own dumb stick.
一个有真胸部, 长发及阴部? ? 人。
The young man set about him with a stick until her had driven the wolves off.
这个年轻人拿着根棍子左右乱打, 直到把狼群赶跑。
For the third man his pale feet stick out of the water by the bank with his head in the mire.
一双发青的死者的脚从湖边伸出来, 头插在岸边的泥泞中。
This man is of a character so infamous that he will stick at no falsehood, or hesitate at no crime, to attain his ends.
这人毫无廉耻, 不惜捏造谎言, 利用最阴险的手段达到目的。
This man is of a character so infamous that he will stick at no falsehood, or hesitate at no crime, to attain his ends.
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