单词 step back 例句大全,用单词step back造句:

The train is drawing into the station, please step back behind the safety line.
Sidewalks have cracks, and if you step on a crack, you break your mother's back.
人行道有些缝的, 如果踩到缝隙中, 肯定四脚朝天咯。
Step 5. Take upper strand of the horizontal, fold back and insert into the loop.
And so we took a step back and we said, What is it that we are trying to achieve?
所以我们退一步想 我们到底想要取得什么成效?
He never pushed back. In fact he would even step aside when others pushed forward.
事实上, 当别的孩子往前挤的时候, 他总是会让开。
But take a step back and the government's critics may be asking the wrong question.
但是, 退一步想, 或许是政府的评论家们提错了问题。
All day long, panic, dare not to greet people, Wallace half step back for a moment.
You might need some retraining. You might have to take a step back to move forward.
At one point I took a step backward and went tumbling. The crowd bore back a little.
I totteredand on regaining my equilibrium retired back a step or two from his chair.
我一个踉跄, 从他椅子前倒退了一两步才站稳身子。
First reassembly step is to push the wipers and foam rings back on to the stanchions.
As you consider the scalability of the applications in your design, take a step back.
But he says as a preventative step to help bring confidence back in financial markets.
但是他还说实施预防措施, 制定法令来重拾金融失常信心。
I call on all parties to step back from the brink of even deeper and more deadly clashes.
Then my flashlight banged against a step and, miraculously, the light sprang back to life.
Taking a step back to accommodate others refines our character and nurtures spiritual growth.
Ross and Phoebe find Chandler at his office and convince him to come back, one step at a time.
But instead of just going home and calling it quits, I took a step back and asked myself, what went wrong here?
Now before cutting any limbs, it is a good idea just to take a step back from the tree, envision the final results.
在修剪大枝之前, 建议先远观树木, 构想一下修剪后的结果。
A therapist should always be able to take an emotional step back in order to make an unbiased assessment of a patient.
It will be required quick and no step appearance that stretch out and draw back of the cylindrical grinders fail rack sleeve.
外圆磨床尾架套筒的伸缩要求灵活, 无阻滞现象。
The Occurrence of the Endodontic Interappointment Emergencies after Root Canal Preparation by Step Back or Step Down Technique
I step on this slip board fleeing back and forth in crowd, people appreciates numerously and confusedly, my coy doctrine Learn in fact very easyly!
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单词 step back 释义

  • 单词释义:后退,退居不重要的部位;退坡儿;退后;却  [更多..]



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