单词 stock up 例句大全,用单词stock up造句:

If a stock goes down instead of up, he sells and accepts the loss.
如果一只股票只跌不涨, 他便卖出并接受亏损。
These days, most of thecash goes towards patching up crumbling stock.
In this paper, aeroengine stock up problem was studied and discussed.
Every up and down in the stock market affects the stock holders' feelings.
Yahoo is announced after adjusting a plan, its stock has begun small go up.
雅虎公布调整计划以后, 其股票已经开始微涨。
Article 96. Setting up a stock exchange requires formulation of regulations.
Fortunately, all the stock of toys has been marked up recently and sold out.
Main funding does not seem eager to push up stock prices, but slow on pushing.
Index declined slightly, Pudie stocks stock indexes to cover up the fact cruel.
Ask how up the time this large stock of goods expensive department is processes ?
And it anchors itself in the sand by blowing up a balloon on the end of its stock.
它在它的基底部吹起个气球 来把自己固定在沙子中。
Instead of stocking up on chocolate and sweets, why not stock up on fruit instead?
Stock investors buy shares when their prices are low and sell them when they go up.
Stock up an adequate number of surgical masks, thermometers and cleaning materials.
储存足够数量的口罩, 探热器及清洁用品。
The trend of strong stock, up channel sound, the proposed bargain concern investors.
The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel in case hostilities break out.
If we do not speed up production, then millions of tons of stock soon after digestion.
如果生产不加快的话, 几百万吨库存很快要消化完。
Therefore, judge each stock individually and keep up weekly and monthly charts on them.
Having been fluctuating for a long time, the opening price of this stock is way up now.
经过长时间的徘徊之后, 这家股票的开盘价现在迅速攀升。
The school also set up a stock accounting Self secondary classes,a total of 82 students.
Open up a significant increase in stock, accounted for more than 80 per cent at present.
Clamp machine of billet material is used at the working procedure of stock heat up stove.
Stud stock and breeding poultry shall be kept healthy up to the standards set by the state.
This paper introduces Da Tong Rolling Stock Plant's specific method for making up deficits.
Operates, the attention stock adjustment, prevents the strong trend stock to make up falls.
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单词 stock up 释义

  • 单词释义:进货,使(商店)储足货物  [更多..]



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