单词 stock up 例句大全,用单词stock up造句:

This means through which individuals can set up the stock and fund accounts buy debt places.
这意味着, 个人可通过开设的股票和基金账户购买地方债。
The only way now is to sell the products piled up in stock, or we will lose even more money.
She rarely ventured outside, except when she went to stock up on groceries at the corner shop.
On Wednesday evening, Harbin temporarily restored water supplies to allow residents to stock up.
Keep the tail stock up until the last minute to prevent the bowl from pulling off the vacuum chuck.
Things like people using the media to create artificial buzz about a stock so as to drive up its price.
While I am carefully heaping up a stock of grain for winter, I see you feeding on filth about the walls.
Recently, the stock market is sluggish, shares of individual companies have dropped and haven't gone up.
The next time you stock up, start with cans of chickpeas, white beans such as cannellini, and black beans.
Shoppers had a chance to stock up on milk, bread, firewood as well as snow shovels and ice melting products.
The Digital Computation and Comparison of Contact Length Of Cutter Tooth and Stock Removal Thickness for Down Milling and Up Milling
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单词 stock up 释义

  • 单词释义:进货,使(商店)储足货物  [更多..]



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