单词 Stomach cancer 例句大全,用单词Stomach cancer造句:

This bacterium causes stomach ulcers and increases the chances of developing stomach cancer.
Colonic cancer transfers cancer of the stomach, terminal ascites, how can you reduce anguish
Altogether, this was strongly suggestive of stomach cancer and of advanced stage stomach cancer.
总之, 研究结果强烈提示胃癌, 并且是进展期胃癌。
Gastric cancer is predominantly a cancer of men and it is frequently located in the distal stomach.
胃癌在男性中属于高发的一种癌症, 经常发生于胃窦部。
The stomach cancer patient epigastrium ache, through will hold back will also have the alleviation.
Trying to discuss that it's the prerequisite and the key to recuperate the spleen and stomach to treat cancer
Objectives To study the changes of precancerous lesions of stomach and their relationship with gastric cancer.
The application of enlarging esophageal hiatus through abdomen in the proximal stomach cancer radical correction
The growth promotion and induction effects of stomach cardiac cancer on the neuronal processes of ganglia in vitro
This article introduces professor Sun Guizhi's experience in syndrome differentiation and treatment of stomach cancer.
Double Intervention Therapy in the Treatment of Recurrent Cancer on the Stump of Stomach After Operation of Gastric Antrum.
To investigate the relationship between tooth loss and the occurrence of esophageal carcinoma, cardia carcinoma and stomach cancer.
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